Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

Supporting You to a Healthier Gut

Use Food to Improve Gut Health

Eat Well on a Budget

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Use Food to Improve Gut Health

As Hippocrates famously said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Eat your way to a healthy gut and improved health by transitioning to a diet rich in whole foods. Nourish your body with the nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods it craves, and you’ll be surprised how much better you feel. No diet and no counting calories needed.

6 Do’s and Don’ts for Transitioning to a Real, Whole Foods Diet

1. Don’t count calories. Do eat until you’re satiated. If you focus on eating only real, whole foods — meaning a combination of meat, fish, eggs, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and spices — you will be giving your body exactly what it needs. When your body gets what it needs, you will feel …

6 Do’s and Don’ts for Transitioning to a Real, Whole Foods Diet Read More »

Go Ahead, EAT Meat, Butter and Eggs

Dietary fat, particularly saturated fat, has gotten a horribly negative, yet completely undeserved, reputation.  We have all heard eating foods high in fat makes you fat and that foods high in cholesterol raise your blood cholesterol, clogs your arteries, and causes heart disease. Just look at all the low-fat/non-fat options that have flooded our supermarkets …

Go Ahead, EAT Meat, Butter and Eggs Read More »

A Framework for Making Your Own Whole-Food Dressings and Sauces

Many store-bought salad dressings and sauces contain foods that most aggravate the gut: gluten, processed sugar, and industrial seed oil. And turns out, it is extremely simple to make a wide variety of dressings and sauces, combining just a few key ingredients. No recipes needed. This simple framework can help you experiment and create hundreds …

A Framework for Making Your Own Whole-Food Dressings and Sauces Read More »

How Many of these Gut Healing Foods are you Eating?

A diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods supports a healthy gut, but there are a couple foods that stand out as super stars for supporting a healthy gut, that you might want to consider incorporating into your diet! Bone broth Fermentable foods, such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, kefir, and beet kvass Foods high …

How Many of these Gut Healing Foods are you Eating? Read More »