Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

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Functional Health

What is a functional health coach?

A functional health coach focuses on helping you make the behavior and lifestyle changes of the main drivers of chronic disease – lack of exercise, elevated stress level, poor diet, and insufficient sleep. 

Did you know less than 10% of chronic disease is attributed to genetics, meaning over 90% is caused by diet and lifestyle behaviors? Which makes total sense when you think about our modern lifestyles – we consume diets filled with processed food, we don’t get enough sleep because we stay up late watching Netflix, we are mostly sedentary sitting behind screens all day, and we are constantly stressed-out over our busy schedules. 

But there is good news here – the main causes of chronic disease are mostly preventable and, even if you are already suffering from a chronic issue, it’s possible to lessen or reverse symptoms.  

The approach taken by a functional health coach is one that …

  • recognizes that health is not defined as the absence of disease, but rather by the harmony of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being, as defined by the client
  • puts the client at the center of their wellness and healing journey
  • engages the client as an active participant in their health
  • recognizes that “healthy” will look different for everyone
  • honors client autonomy
  • sees the body as a connected, integrated system from a holistic perspective
  • emphasizes collaboration between the coach and client
  • supports clients in making changes around the underlying causes of disease
  • respects the client as an individual, knowing each client has a wide variety of life experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and strengths to apply in their health journey
  • gives the client the power to make the lifestyle and behavior changes that resonate with their values
  • focuses on sustainable, long-term solutions
  • uses evidence-based coaching technique to guide the client towards change and growth

A functional health coach fills a critical gap in our current healthcare system. How many times have you been to a doctor and been told to eat healthier, exercise more, and stress less? How have you felt leaving that appointment? Most likely overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. And the truth is, most people never start. It’s not your fault. It’s not your doctor’s fault. They don’t have the time or behavior-change training. A functional health coach bridges this gap, helping you make the behavior and lifestyle changes YOU want to make, whether they’ve come from a clinician or from you.

Schedule your free coaching conversation  if you’d like to learn how functional health coaching can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the field of functional medicine, how it differs from our conventional system, and why it’s the future of medicine, check out this article by Chris Kresser, a New York Times best-selling author and one of the most respected Functional Medicine clinicians in the world. Functional medicine is the answer to turning the tide of chronic disease that is plaguing our families and friends in our communities, country, and world.


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"I used to feel exhausted all the time. Just getting through the workday -- let alone living with energetic purpose -- felt impossible. But that changed when I started working with Emily. With her collaborative coaching style, she guided me to discover my own unique solutions to help co-create a wellness plan that really resonated and worked. Emily helped me regain a level of energy I hadn't experienced since I was a teenager." Read More Testimonials