Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

Supporting You to a Healthier Gut

Use Food to Improve Gut Health

Eat Well on a Budget

Start Here for Simple Next Steps


"I used to feel exhausted all the time. Just getting through the workday -- let alone living with energetic purpose -- felt impossible. But that changed when I started working with Emily. With her collaborative coaching style, she guided me to discover my own unique solutions to help co-create a wellness plan that really resonated and worked. Emily helped me regain a level of energy I hadn't experienced since I was a teenager (and lose almost 5 lbs and an inch around the waist!)."
Elise Lima
“I met Emily by a happy chance. I did not know what to expect as I had never heard of a health coach and the fact we live on opposite sides of the country. I have a history of self doubt, low self esteem, and anxiety. I was my own worst enemy. I was letting the world pass me by because I was paralyzed by my own fears.

From the start and throughout, Emily was/IS so kind, patient, encouraging, and persistent. She was able to challenge me in a way that made me feel she was genuinely cheering me on and that I was supported every step of the way.

I am a convert! I have never felt so empowered! She helped start an amazing domino effect towards my self awareness. I have gained confidence. I have renewed drive. I feel brave. I am not afraid to fail. And most important to me, working with Emily has gifted me with tools to help manage my anxiety.

The positive impact Emily has made on my life has been profound. Words cannot express my gratitude for the ways in which she has changed my life for the very best. TRULY!“
C. Costa
"Emily is such a pleasure to work with. When I first started sessions, I was a little lost on what was best for my health. I tried so many times in the past with diets and exercises and never found anything that stuck or worked with me. I could not understand why methods that worked on others, didn't work on me.

Through consistent sessions with Emily and her friendly and calm demeanor, I was able to comfortably speak about my ideas, try experiments with my health goals, and reflect. Eventually, I discovered my truth, I was doing what everyone else was doing, and wasn't thinking about what I needed.

Emily helped me discover through thoughtful conversations and her attentive listening skills, that my body is constantly talking and if I were to just listen, I can align myself with my health goals. Emily really helped guide me to see myself in a different light, be more aware of myself, and understand my own personal needs."
Kaitlin Kirkman
"Emily is a health-coach that is genuine, thoughtful, and encouraging - all of these traits together with her in-depth knowledge of whole-person health and wellness makes her an imperative piece for anyone's health journey. Emily truly makes her clients feel understood, and you begin to create a relationship and trust with her that will motivate you to truly enhance your life for the better. She takes the time to listen to what is important to you, and combine your personal insight and her coaching skills that is guaranteed to affect your life positively."
Bailey Nelson

I worked with Emily as my Health Coach over a period of several months. During our sessions, Emily was present, attentive and caring. She was also knowledgeable, as well as gentle in challenging me to view what I was dealing with from a broader perspective. I found working with Emily helpful and inspiring to make some necessary changes. I would not hesitate to work with her again in the future.

Katia Miniovich

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