Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

Supporting You to a Healthier Gut

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Health Coaching

What is health coaching?

Health coaches are behavior change specialists. I work in partnership with you, to support you in achieving your vision of optimal health and well-being. 

You are the expert in your own life. You have strengths, wisdom, and knowledge that already exist inside of you. I help you discover and utilize this power for transformational change.

I recognize that making lasting change is not easy and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. I break down this process into manageable steps. I support you to find strategies for overcoming obstacles and identifying your motivations, while holding you accountable to your goals.

I support you without judgement and empower you to find your unique way to integrate life-long health-promoting behaviors sustainably into your life.

How can health coaching benefit me?

  • Helps you identify your motivation for change and the reasons why living a healthier life is important to you

  • Supports you in creating a vision and goals that aligns with your values and purpose

  • Reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed by breaking the behavior change process into simple steps

  • Supports you to identify and use your strengths to facilitate growth and change

  • Supports you in overcoming your ambivalence to change

  • Partners with you to find a manageable way forward

  • Helps you plan for and navigate challenges

  • Increases confidence in your ability to take charge of the changes you want to make in your life

  • Provides accountability and supports you to develop your own accountability plan

  • Focuses on finding ways to integrate sustainable change into your life

  • Works in partnership with you, so you will never be alone in the process

What is out of scope of a health coach?

Health coaches do not diagnose, prescribe, or develop treatment plans. Health coaches do not provide counseling or therapy. Health coaches do not interpret labs. Health coaches do not recommend or provide guidance on supplementation.

Why haven’t I heard of health coaching before?

You are not alone. Health coaching is a relatively new discipline. However, it is an emerging field because it fills an urgent gap within our current healthcare system.

Our global and national health crisis continue to worsen. Research is predicting that the current generation of children will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents. According to the CDC, chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability. Six in ten American adults have at least one chronic disease. As the wave of chronic disease continue to rise, something needs to turn the tide.

It is widely recognized that the majority of chronic disease can be prevented, reversed, or paused by behavioral and lifestyle interventions, such as diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management. This is where health coaches come in. Health coaches work with you to find your own personalized way of integrating healthy behaviors into your life for wellness and disease prevention.

How do I know if health coaching is the right fit for me?

Schedule your free coaching conversation so we can get to know each other. I would love to hear about your health goals and how I can best support you. I’ll walk you through the Health Coaching process and answer any questions you may have.

Start taking small steps towards a healthier gut.
Sign up for your free Healthy Gut checklist.

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"I used to feel exhausted all the time. Just getting through the workday -- let alone living with energetic purpose -- felt impossible. But that changed when I started working with Emily. With her collaborative coaching style, she guided me to discover my own unique solutions to help co-create a wellness plan that really resonated and worked. Emily helped me regain a level of energy I hadn't experienced since I was a teenager." Read More Testimonials