Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

Supporting You to a Healthier Gut

Use Food to Improve Gut Health

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Use the Public Library for Free, Real, Whole Food Recipes

Ordering cookbooks from Amazon and Audible can quickly put a dent in the wallet. But there is an often overlooked and forgotten about place where you can find hundreds, even thousands of beautiful, creative and colorful cookbooks for free… your local public libraries.

If you don’t have a library card, sign-up for one now! If you are someone who loves mouthwatering pictures, could use a little inspiration in meal planning, or would like to zero in on a specific cuisine, head to your local library for shelves of possibilities. Most libraries let you borrow a book for at least a month at a time, and that can turn into several months if there isn’t anyone else in line for the book. Many libraries have even eliminated late fees.

Not sure how to search for cookbooks with healthy recipes? Try these tips.

1. Search by health issue

If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disease, gut dysbiosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, you name it, there is a cookbook out there for you.

Try searching for “Your health issue + cookbook” at your local library.

2. Search using the word “Paleo”

For some people, the word “paleo” is associated with heavy meat diets, but in fact “paleo” refers to a diet rich in nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods.  It also excludes potentially problematic inflammatory foods, including dairy, legumes, and grains. “Paleo” foods may both prevent and reverse chronic disease. Try using the word “paleo” in all of your cookbook searches to ensure the ingredients are all real, whole, anti-inflammatory foods.  Your gut will thank you.

Try searching for “Paleo + cookbooks” at your local library.

3. Search by method of cooking

If you’re interested in saving time and money, try learning how to make meals in a slow cooker. Try searching for “Paleo + slowcooker” at your library.

4. Search by meal type

Maybe you have breakfast down but are struggling with dinner ideas. Or maybe you have meals covered and want ideas for healthy snacks.

Try searching for “Paleo + dinner + cookbook” or “Paleo + snacks + recipes” at your local library.

5. Search by food genre

Try searching by your favorite type of food, whether that be Chinese, Thai, Italian, or Indian.

Try searching for “Favorite genre + paleo + cookbook” at your local library.

6. Search by time

If you are a busy person, with limited time for healthy cooking, or if you are someone who just doesn’t enjoy cooking, but wants to eat healthy, try searching for cookbooks with simple recipes.

Try searching for “simple + paleo + cookbook” or “easy recipes + paleo” at your local library.

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