Emily Epsten

Functional Health Coach

Supporting You to a Healthier Gut

Use Food to Improve Gut Health

Eat Well on a Budget

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Eat Well on a Budget

Eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory whole-foods diet does not need to be expensive. Get back to the basics of real food, and your wallet will thank you. Some of the most nutrient dense foods are amongst the least expensive food and can fit on even the tightest budgets.

The Most Nutrient Dense Food on the Planet is also AFFORDABLE

Can you guess what it is?  Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, the #1 most nutrient dense food is LIVER! If there was ever a superfood, this is it. If only liver received the media attention as kale and acai bowls! Scroll down for tips on integrating this ultimate superfood into your diet. What makes …

The Most Nutrient Dense Food on the Planet is also AFFORDABLE Read More »

Use the Public Library for Free, Real, Whole Food Recipes

Ordering cookbooks from Amazon and Audible can quickly put a dent in the wallet. But there is an often overlooked and forgotten about place where you can find hundreds, even thousands of beautiful, creative and colorful cookbooks for free… your local public libraries. If you don’t have a library card, sign-up for one now! If …

Use the Public Library for Free, Real, Whole Food Recipes Read More »

How to Find Healthy Recipes Online

There are a seemingly infinite amount of recipes online claiming to be “healthy”, so it can be difficult to know which recipes truly contain healthy ingredients — healthy meaning real, whole foods, without processed sugar, industrial seed oil, and gluten, as well as food additives, including artificial dyes, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial …

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